Welcome to

Ashokas Hotel Ibadan

About Ashokas Hotel

Ashokas  is a Boutique Hotel that desires to cater and provide guests with personalized hospitality based on what they prefer and not what is customary. 

Whether the guest is looking for quiet time and lots of privacy or seeking energetic, friendly environment in the most delightful place away from home, Ashokas Hotel can accommodate.


Comfort, serenity and natural environment are perfectly combined here, because we care about your well-being.



beautiful dishes

caring staff

We have one of the best restaurant  in town. And although we are flattered to hear that, we think that every guest has to form their own opinion. 

All that matters to us, is that our guests feel comfortable in our restaurant. We want them to enjoy their food and their conversations, and are happy to invite everybody to eat in our comfy dinning and to end the it with a special signature drinks.

Luxury Rooms.

We believe in functioning in harmony with nature. When that’s achieved, everything comes to its place – this is the least you’ll experience by staying here.

Best Food.

Everything needed for creating special and unique experience is available here. Accept peace of mind and body rejuvenation  directly from nature.

Quality Service.

One of the basic philosophy for any kind of holiday and pleasure is quality – every thing must be set for your comfort, satisfaction and memorable experience

24/7 Customer Service

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.